M2 – Priorat Wine Tour June 24 – July 1, 2023
Payment of the tour constitutes acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.
All trip prices are subject to modifications of the tour, most importantly the number of participants in your group. See specific conditions of the tour.
Final Payment can be made online by credit card or wire transfer.
Cancellations & Refunds: All cancellations must be in writing and sent by email. Cancellation assessments will be calculated on the day Bikecat receives your notification. If cancelling the following policy will apply:
- 90+ prior: Cancellation charge of 500€
- 90 – 45 days: Cancellation charge of 1,000€
- 45 days or less: Cancellation charge of 100% of the total cost of the tour. *COVID exclusions may apply.
Non-payment of your trip balance by the due date will be considered a cancellation.
Bikecat requires all Participants attending and/or participating in our cycling tours and related Activities to sign and submit the Responsibility Agreement and Release From Liability form as a condition of their attendance and participation in Bikecat’s cycling tours.
I am responsible for providing my own insurance coverage (health, accident, travel, theft, etc.) and for ensuring that such insurance coverage is valid in Spain